The reality is that it’s hard to give you an answer to the question of whether the cock ring really works.Simply, unless you have real and serious problems, you do not need it.What you need as our grandparents used to say is to learn how to use it.
Depth and size of the vagina
Now if you read the two articles you should know that the phallic ring for penis enlargement does not really need you, but since you imagine that some of you will want to try anyway, let’s going and seeing what the doctors think.Doctors do not recommend it because it could cause problems and there are no scientific bases that highlight the fact that the phallic ring can really widen your friend. But if you are interested in the full guide to urethral sounding: you are in the right place.
Whenever you ask for a medical opinion about something that could bring any harm, the doctor’s answer will invariably be:
“Do not do it”
They are doctors at the end and their primary purpose is to preserve your health at the end of the day.That said on the net there are testimonies of some people who seem to have had benefits in circumference thanks to the phallic ring.Find out how to give FORTUNE MULTIPLE ORGASMS to your woman, so strong as to make her whole body vibrate: A doctor would advise against using it for enlargement. You do a little ‘what you want as here in the article I’m giving you all the information on the basis of which you can make your reasoning informed. For more info, click here.
Phallic rings are dangerous?
The manufacturers always indicate carefully that the cock ring should never be worn for more than 30 minutes.And apparently it seems that there are two kinds of genies around:
- Those who fall asleep with the ring on the penis
- Those that combine the power of the penis ring with products to enhance erection
- Both these practices, the first a “little careless” and the second simply idiot, should be avoided like death.
You could think
The answer is simple. When you take something to use on your “family pride” and then you do not even bother to read the instructions in the box … we understand each other. The first sign of problems can occur when the penis becomes pale or numb. If this happens, the phallic ring must be removed immediately.Now to ensure easy removal the new models have a removal mechanism for the note.In fact one of the principal against the early Cockrings was precisely that some of them were a Chinese torture at the time of removal.
Furthermore, the phallic ring should not be used by people who:
- They are following a cure to decrease the density of the blood
- They have heart problems
- Diabetes
Unless it is prescribed differently by the doctor but let’s be clear if you have health problems related to blood or cardiac activity it may be rather difficult to find a doctor who prescribes you the phallic ring.As we have already seen phallic ring and hairs on the testicles are deadly enemies so if you want to use the cockring the best thing to do is shave beforehand. Prevention is better than cure.
Also if you decide to use cockring for penis enlargement remember that safety is always the password in these situations so at the first anomaly signal do not do that “smarter than others” and stop your training immediately.
Just to give you an idea of ??how important safety precautions are, It seems that the genius in question used it for 5 days and went into full necrosis of the penis. If you are interested, put aside the pop corns and find it here.
CockRing: how to choose between the various types and materials
Before going to see some models in practice we will focus on a few moments on types and materials that are on the market in order to have a greater understanding of what you could then go to buy.
There are basically two types of CockRings.The most sophisticated models in general are nothing more than combinations of these two with some small variations.The first type goes to the base of the penis.The second is between the scrotum and the perineum.Both have their advantages and disadvantages and since we are all different the best thing to do is probably to give it a try with both solutions.
Simple or vibrating model
Do you want to last during in the bed? Hereare the scientific methods to last as much as you want even if today you last little or nothing.
The vibrating model has what is usually called “bullet” from bullet English since the shape is similar which is nothing but a vibrating mechanism to give double stimulation going just to stimulate the clitoris.
Phallic rings are found in different materials that we could divide into two categories: flexible and not.
They are part of the hoses:
- Plastic
- Latex
- Silicone
Among the non-flexible materials we have instead:
- Hard plastic
- Metal
- Glass
- Wood
As we have already seen one of the main disadvantages of the phallic ring is that sometimes it is not easy to pull off and then the advice is to use flexible ones which among other things are less dangerous to parade.In any case, it is a good rule to understand how to use and remove the Cockring before wearing it in order to avoid possible accidents.
On the market there are several models and each of them has slightly different characteristics.Let’s start with the simplest ones.
These in general are among the simplest models that you can find on the market and go from a non-vibration model, to go to one with a vibrating bullet, until you get the last model that is nothing but a simple ring to put at the base of the penis.
Now we throw ourselves on another pair of rather simple models and then we go to see something that starts to be much more interesting.
This is another rather simple model. Among other things, it is explained exactly in the video that I have linked to you in this article.
On the market you will also find some versions a bit ‘more satisfying for the eye but at a practical level does not change anything.Here we start to move towards something more sophisticated in fact as you can see this model also has a part designed specifically to go and stimulate the clitoris.
Find out how to give fortune multiple orgasms to your woman, so strong as to make her whole body vibrate: As for these two models instead I’m pretty sure you do not need to explain what they are designed for? Otherwise you have to give a read to the whole site my friend because here there is a lot to learn.This model, on the other hand, allows you to better stimulate your G during penetration.Also in this case you can find models with various designs but the substance does not change.If you are open minded instead this model is designed for your enjoyment. Also in this case the same speech as before.In circulation you find various similar models but the concept of background remains the same and does not change.